April 2024: Adam & Evidence, Atelier Blumentopf, Vienna
April 2024: WE MADE EVERYTHING IN ATHENS!, Atelier Blumentopf, Vienna
October 2019: Cartoline per Leopardi, Galleria Boragno, Busto Arsizio (VA)
March 2021: Women’s Day Special Art Exhibition, event organized by Ibrahim Akinci (ArelArt Online Galeri, Ankara)
July 2021: AnimaeNoctis artwork in Bologna, Cheap Festival
August-September 2021: Beyond The Binary, ] G A Z E [ Art Space, Shrewsbury. Curator: Theresa Bradbury
October 2021: session one: (all the things left unsaid), solo sound space, Los Angeles
October 2021: Love & Chaos, The Alchemy Experiment, Glasgow (catalogue The Alchemy Experiment, 2021)
October-December 2021: Got Something To Say About Europe, Kunstarkaden, Munich (catalogue Landeshauptstadt München, Stadtkanzlei, 2021)
October 2021-January 2022: Queer Photography, The Ledward Centre, Brighton
November 2021: Asians Are Strong
March 2022: PEACE2022 - ARTISTS AGAINST THE WAR, Studio 43 in Arbis Swedish Cultural Centre, Helsinki; Rankka Galleria, Helsinki; Atelier Blumentopf, Vienna; Sauna Gallery, Helsinki
April 2022: PEACE2022 - ARTISTS AGAINST THE WAR, Momentum Gallery, Krakow; Kaffila Bokvillan, Helsinki; Artists' Association Yö, Helsinki; Helmut Gallery, Leipzig; Closetgallery, Stockholm
April 2022: CLOSE (TO) THE SKY, Emily Harvey Gallery, New York. Listen to AnimaeNoctis track; listen and buy the collective track
May 2022: PEACE2022 - ARTISTS AGAINST THE WAR, Fanfulla 5/a Circolo Arci, Rome; Bolderāja, Riga
May 2022: LGBTQIAPK !, Ospizio Giovani Artisti, Rome
June 2022: Peace Letters To Ukraine 7, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance
June 2022: PEACE2022 - ARTISTS AGAINST THE WAR, Sauna Gallery, Helsinki; Central Garden, Vienna; KunstbeTrieb, Vienna
June-July 2022: Performance Art documenta, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Haus, Kassel
September-October 2022: Peace Letters Marathon ---> Around The World In 90 Days, The New Museum Of Networked Art, Lviv/Kiev/Kharkiv
October 2022: ReVIEWING 13 in Leo Amino: Work With Materia, Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Centre, Asheville. Listen to AnimaeNoctis track, listen and buy the compilation
April 2023: ANTI-WAR COALITION.ART, Ambasada Kultury, Berlin/Vilnius
April-May 2023: La Collezione Queer II, Ospizio Giovani Artisti, Rome
May 2023: ANTI-WAR COALITION.ART in Karlsruhe 2023, Messe Karlsruhe
May-June 2023: Figuring It Out, Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Atlanta
May-June 2023: 6th Vacations In The Subconscious, The New Museum Of Networked Art, Köln
July 2023: Vacations In The Subconscious LA/Cologne, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance
August 2023: IV Mail Art JazzÁndaluz, Carnicerías Reales, Priego de Córdoba
August 2023: Hexxyduxxybox Performance Video Art Festival: SPACE/BODY/CHOICES, Delhi
August-September 2023: Speak Up, Be Heard, Alliance Française, Ibadan
October 2023: S8, Video Sound Archive, Los Angeles
October 2023: Left Of Binaries_purview,, Brussels
October 2023: Corpologie VI, Ospizio Giovani Artisti, Rome
May-June 2024: LGBTQ+ Positive Voices curated by Ash Green, Goldsmith University Library, London
May-June 2024: Erotismi tra utopia e distopia, Ospizio Giovani Artisti (Rome, 2024)
Meditation, from July 5, Personaland, New York
October 2024: Rome Art Week, Rome
December 2024: Erotismi tra utopia e distopia II, Ospizio Giovani Artisti, Rome
February-March 2025: Kitoki_VideoDance, rez gauche, Brussels
ART-WORKS: performances
August 2020: Uncle Fluxus Quantum Superhero, dedicated to the late critic Enrico Pedrini, with his own voice
December 2020: There Is No Hitching Post in the Universe, dedicated to Jean-François Bory and his cuneiform ties
March 2021: works in the online visual art museum Cheap Freedom Club
October 2021: Double Answer. No Doubt artwork after participating in Was ist für Dich Feminin?, Denkraum Deutschland, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
January 2022: The Most Private Digest Of Imperialism. Festival Internacional de Performance Art de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, LATITUDES HYBRIDAS, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
5 March-18 May 2022: It Takes 2 Be 2 People 2 Be. Perform-homage to Pier Paolo Pasolini: Act 1 (Bologna) & Act 2 (Idroscalo di Ostia)
March 2022: That's All, Video!. II Encuentro internacional de arte de acción, Galeria Arrabal & Cia/La Moebius, Granada
April 2022: Peace Letter To Ukraine 2, Cinema U 2 Alphabet Art Centre, Köln
April 2022: Works Of Mercy premiere, Atelier Blumentopf, Wien
April 2022: 4'33'' Of Sentence. PAUSA Performance Art USA, Bronx River Art Center, New York
June 2022: Derealization, Krakers Krakow Art Week Festival, Krakow
September 2022: Art in Odd Places: STORY, New York
October 2022: The Violence Project 2022, The New Museum Of Networked Art, Köln
100 Years Of Antifascism Multimedia Project. 1st performative event (Horrifascism): October 26-28 2022, New York, with the support of Art in Odd Places
December 2022: One Hundred Evenings Of Loneliness, The Island Gallery, Bristol
January 2023: Scarlet Experiment live performance, London
April 2023: Online Performance Art Festival 26, New York
April 2023: Left Of Binaries,, Brussels
May 2023: Online Performance Art Festival 27, New York
June 2023: Festival Internacional de Performance Acciones al margen, Bucaramanga
June-July 2023: Emomé art Festival, Lomé
September 2023: IMAF, Odžaci-Novi Sad
September 2023: Festival Seni Performa Kaliwungu, Kaliwungu
October 2023: Online Performance Art Festival 28, New York
October 2023: Art in Odd Places: DRESS, New York
June 2024: Mini Festiwal Czikitas, Poznań
July 2024: Festival Internacional de Performance Acciones al margen, Bucaramanga
September 2024: IMAF, Odžaci-Novi Sad
September-October 2024: Performance Festival Malamut, Ostrava
October 2024: Art in Odd Places: CARE, New York
December 2024: Krug prljavštine i čistoće [The Circle Of Dirtiness And Cleanliness], Novi Sad
December 2024: Limerence In Disguise collective event, curated by Loeki van der Horst, Rotterdam
April 2025: FineKink - Sexy Solidarity: Bodily Autonomy, Trauma And Protest, Vienna
September 2025: IMAF, Novi Sad
VIDEOMAKING about art/artists
Impromptu I: for Fondazione Giorgio e Lilli Devoto (Genoa)/Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani
Loxías: for Literature and Other Worlds: Genres, Politics, Society (LILEC Graduate Conference, Università di Bologna) as a visual prelude to Loxías censore, Loxías censurato, speech about Pier Paolo Pasolini, by Massimo Sannelli
Comedy: directed by Ariel Soulé. Starring AnimaeNoctis & Alessandro Castelli
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